Ecological footprint
Caring for, respecting and preserving the environment is a shared responsibility of all society to advance and promote sustainable development.
At the REC Festival, this responsibility is of great importance, and it is for this reason that in the 24th edition, held this year 2024, we are working to implement a sustainability strategy aimed at achieving different actions that guarantee reducing the negative impacts of the celebration of the festival on the environment and society, and increasing the positive ones. We are aware that there is an urgency to act and address the climate crisis and, therefore, we want to minimize the impacts of our festival.
To direct the sustainability strategy, the festival has focused on doing so based on two major commitments:
– Environmental commitment.
– Social commitment.
That is why we have identified seven major pillars with which we must work:
– Waste.
– Transport and travel.
– Food.
– Advertising and merchandising.
– Accommodation.
– Training and awareness talks.
– Energy.
Based on these pillars, different actions have been developed to improve sustainability, such as the Sustainability Strategy that you can find by clicking here, and a sustainability guide to help make your stay more sustainable.