Xiuxiuejos (Intimitats compartides)
It is the special program of the REC Festival.
In a desire to understand the intangible that motivates the beginning of the cinematic journey, Xiuxiuejos (Shared Intimacies) celebrates in this edition some of the ways in which we represent ourselves when we refer to our own intimacy and that of the people we share they surround On this occasion, we are pleased to show at CaixaForum a selection of four feature films that raise and highlight the question of the staging of intimacy.
At a time when the border between what we make public and what we prefer to remain private is increasingly blurred, we consider it interesting to consider how we narrate ourselves in order to be seen (and understood) by others. From very different registers, these four filmmakers aim to delve into the depths of their characters and find what really moves them. However, everything depends on how to get there without falling into sensationalism or exhibitionism.
Macu Machín, Klaudia Reynicke, André Novais Oliveira and Carlos Marqués-Marcet seek their own cinematic path towards the intimacy of their characters while respecting their dignity. And they end up finding four films steeped in true emotion. Four gestures of love and tenderness towards the people filming.
2023 edition

As for the new voices of African cinema, viewers of the 2023 REC Festival have enjoyed the films proposed by a new generation of creators from sub-Saharan Africa, who defy established tastes and norms to give way to creations that defy the rules and that speak of themselves and their identity, regardless of the taste of the rest of the world

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