Acció play


PLAY Cultural Action is a non-profit cultural entity, with more than a two decade long history, that was created with a culture promoting intention, opening new spaces for the creators. Its actions are primerily  centered around the audiovisual field, promoting new talents and new forms of creation.

Even though their annual primary activity is the organization of the REC International Festival of Cinema in Tarragona, founded in 2001, its labour is carried out all year long with a constant work, coherent and continued, with different activities, ones of direct organization and others where different entities collaborate, and other civilian,  state-wide and even of international scope  activities. 

Its actions account on the endorsement of the coordination and participation in diverse collective and international projects these past years, with Creative Europe, Erasmus + and other institutions’ support.

That was created with a culture promoting intention, opening new spaces for the creators. Its actions are primerily  centered around the audiovisual field, promoting new talents and new forms of creation.